
At Sadleir Again

On hold with Agreement Admin. Today is crazy. Queues are full to the brink and bursting. You can almost feel their roaring impatience, as if they were outside the very building with pitchforks. And cellphones. And Macbooks. It's the damnable holiday that does this to people. And it's not the idea of buying nice things for people you care about that's the problem... though it is a problem. It's the sheer teeming millions of us. There's SO MANY PEOPLE out there, all moving around and trying to get what they want. And every single one of them thinks they're a good person, just trying to do their best, earning what they can out of life to live comfortably and happily. And individually, I can't argue that any single one of them is wrong. It's the millions. It's the masses. It's the fact that the decisions that so many are making are based on a common and easy lie.

So that was yesterday, around 5ish, at work. My mood picked up from there, after C.D. and J.W. drove out to visit me with vegan meatballs and little ketchup packets. We all huddled in the cold outside the building and shot the shit, and decided to party that night. Even with all that, I was a mere 3 minutes late back from my break.

Of course, we didn't party last night. Well, they did. But I passed out. Literally. I swear, I have never slept so heavily and so deeply. Not since tree-planting days, and even that was interrupted by rocks and winds. This was the kind of sleep in which the mattress below you seems to absorb your form and the blankets around you become an entire atmosphere of their own. I don't even remember getting undressed and under the sheets. Clearly I needed it, but I feel sad that I missed a good ole RhinoPosse Party.

Things that I have to do with my one paltry day off:
  1. groceries
  2. laundry
  3. hang out with Emily if I can, definitely Charlotte
  4. meet with Mason re: Centre
  5. find a winter jacket
Things I will probably actually accomplish
  1. maybe groceries
  2. hang out briefly with Charlotte
  3. meet with Mason
Feelings about this include
  1. resentment towards work for stealing my life away
  2. sense of failure for not getting to it earlier in the day
  3. stress about when I can get laundry done so I don't have to wear boxers more than once *shudder*
But overall
  1. i love everything
  2. the snowfall is really pretty
  3. i have lovely friends
  4. all will be well with time

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