
But My Life, My Love And My Lady Is The Sea

I've spoken before about my confusion.
About how lost I can get in the trappings of my own body, my own clothes. There are a few things that remain constant, however. The above video captures a lot of who I am. I would be this person no matter what, no matter where. If I feel safe with people, this is me. I romp, I start shit, I giggle, I dance. I walk tough, but I ain't tough, and everyone in this video knows it. These are some of my best friends. With them, I feel like I could get through anything.


jes said...

because you can.

jes said...

"i can see your bum crack!

i can see your bum crack!

i can see your bum crack!"

coupled with relentless swatting. chrisman. i gotchyo back.