
New Aspirations

So. I was hoping to escape the shittiness of this job sooner rather than later, but after spending an entire day on the phone with what seemed like the entire government, it transpires that my OSAP debt makes this impossible.
What this means is that, in order to ever return to school, I must make 6 consecutive payments toward the federal portion of my loan, and pay off the provincial portion entirely.


Ungroovy. It looks like I'm going to have to be a dedicated Minacs employee for another 8-10 months. Which is fine.
On the upside (HA.), this means I should definitely be able to garner enough material for this graphic novel. It might be less a graphic novel, and more a 32 page little strip, but hell, it'll be well worth it.
And in the meantime, I gotta chase me some plans for after. So here's the thesis:
  1. Act as dedicated Minacs employee until lease here is up. Create CleverGraphicNovel that will make people laugh and cry and understand the inherent contradictions and superfluity of call centres. Work on some kind of artistic portfolio. Quit smoking. Start running again. Eat more vegetables.
  2. Move to Toronto. Find a swanky little studio with a bathroom and cool factory-style windows and 12-foot ceilings for 450$/month. Renovate this space into a two-level shagpad, complete with insulated translucent window coverings, eensy little stove and bar fridge. Continue running. Also start lifting crazy weights and get buff as fuck. Make lots of new friends and lovers.
  3. Get accepted into swanky arts program of sorts. Focus on social theory aspects of art history. Learn about symbolism to undo and rewrite it. Challenge dominant metanarratives through brilliantly subtle yet pervasive forms of graffiti and sculpture.
  4. Work in public sector, fighting to rewrite the rituals and beliefs of unsustainable human habits with the arts. Create new global human mythology, rooted in sustainability and anti-oppression. Along the way, meet someone lovely who likes me a whole lot and fall in love. Adopt random scraggly child. Become immersed in a community of sorts. Magically, all of the people that I care about right now will be a part of this community, wherever it is.
So clearly, I have it all figured out. It's only a matter of time now.
Gee, I hope listing these things out loud isn't the key ingredient in making them not happen.
Oh well, now I have an excuse if it all goes to shit. ;)


CL said...

I'm working on the Couch to 5k running plan, if you want to be running buddies when our schedules permit.

It starts off with like 30min of exercise - run for a min, walk for a min and half, and 8 min of running in total. Each week it slowly increases the running and the walking breaks. And it doesn't make me feel like death the way going out and running usually does.

Also, the pups would love it. Ellie likes the runs almost as much as she likes naps.

Last's words said...

Sounds great. But don't limit yourself to Toronto. Montreal has a more exciting and creative art scene and rents are lower. And you'd painlessly absorb enough of the beautiful French language to prepare for what every artist and writer needs, a sojourn in Paris...