
i've already written you love letters

i've sent you words in lines
like soldiers to beseige you
to keep you up at night
to keep you certain you've got something worth guarding
i've already written you love letters
and snuck behind your castle walls
to sketch your statues and alleyways
i've taken note
of your beauty and disease
and while you were rebuilding your battlements and towers
i was preparing medicines and tinctures for you
because some day this war's gotta end
our soldiers are in love
and they're tired of cleaning letters off the arrows sent to kill them
they want each other's arms

i've already written you love letters
as though they were the pamphlets for pockets of belief
that need the eyes that read them to exist
i've already written you love letters
and postered all over your town
all the vowels and consonants that add up to me
i spraypainted
your monuments of self-assuredness
and stole the street signs that demarcated the territory i shouldn't see
and while your police force pursued me
i left trails of honesty and good intention
because one day you'll stop pretending
you don't want my wild abandon
on the streets of your body

i've already written you love letters
and strapped cylinders of fuel to my desire for you
and tried to find ways to decode your secret language
because you asked me to
with the force of forests growth
with a sweetness like the hum of bees
you asked me with lips that shaped themselves
like heartbeats against my neck
you'd written me already
with your hopes and pauses
and glances of emboldened spring flowers
you'd sculpted sentiment out of the dirt
of taking chances and lusty lungeing
how could i refuse you such a simple request?
so i've already written you love letters
and now they sleep next to you
instead of me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the military analogies