
It's been another one of those meandering days, trying desperately to get this extensive bibliography annotated without my mind wandering and getting overwhelmed by endless, poorly supported, half-connected ideas. In the meantime, I'm also getting distracted by the cat and the temptation of leftover halloween candy and a newfound addiction to arizona red apple iced tea and the potentials of room decor and the other four things i have to get done for tomorrow and previous thoughts I've had and the meaning of life and that pile of laundry there and my anti-virus software....
Suffice to say, it's been another one of those minefield-of-other-things-you'd-rather-be-doing-than-whatever-it-is-you're-doing-right-now days. 
To feel better about my life, I've decided to post all my favourite computer background creations on 64 Crayons, a subsidiary blog of mine. So if you're here now, go there next, and catch some backgrounds. Because I'm so fucking talented. So much so that if I were to drop out and retreat to British Columbia in a VW lovebus, I would survive somehow. THAT is how fucking talented I am. Right? Right?

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