
So They're Here Now

smoking, drinking (green tea, to be precise) and carrying on (about boobies, to be precise) and i still feel lonely and bored and i'm worrying more about my paper than i should be, really, because my exam is a far more pressing concern, but the words won't go in my head in these in-between-cd moments and i'm feeling antsy and tired and sick of all this scene, but i did hear some good tunes, by Arbra Hill and Kate Reid, the latter of which really spoke to me and i so think we could jive because she's talking about small towns and road trips and her heart being behind her guitar and how hard long-term relationships are and all those classic folky things but at breakneck word-flinging speed more attuned to a rap or a beat poem, so i like it better than most folk, though i think her voice isn't that great but she's trying, right and that's what counts in all this madness and i was thinking about wirelessness the other day and wondering what that does to your brain, all those things all floating around, but there are so many more damaging things floating around, i can't help but think, because of all these smokers and drinkers and phobics all exhaling fumes and rude remarks and it matters what people think deep down, you know, because it comes out at people at odd moments and that's what makes people feel bad or uncomfortable but that doesn't make all this political correctness any less wrong because it's stifling, it is, and how are we supposed to have a dialogue, a discussion, without people being able to say what they really think and how are they, those who would say silly dumb things about other people, supposed to learn if we just tell them "no you can't say that because you're not supposed to" and so on, and the cd's done ripping so i gotta go, but there are my thoughts for the moment and i think i need to do this more often even if it's to no one in particular, so that i don't get out of practice, cuz that's what happens and then i don't tell my love all the random things i think and then she feels like she's in the dark, and rightly so because so much goes through my mind in a minute that even i feel that way sometimes, so why am i so fricking quiet all the time, except when i'm performing for people i don't care about at seminars and dancing for people who make me nervous, when all i really should be doing is being as open and honest as this for the one, the one person i've ever trusted with all this madness and here it is, for her and for me, and now i have to go rip another cd. peace.

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